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Edale Stepping Stones is a registered Charity

(Charity number 1190027)


When Edale Stepping Stones was set up it was important to us to ensure that it was grounded in the community and would make a positive contribution. We therefore decided to set it up as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) that would be not for profit.


This means that we have a Board of Trustees who provide the governance for Edale Stepping Stones and ensure that the charitable aims are fulfilled. 


To advance the education and development of children aged 1-11 for public benefit by the provision of a nursery pre-school, day care facilities and out of school provision.


Provide safe and high quality childcare and early learning opportunities to young children in Edale, and those from outside Edale who would benefit from the opportunities.


To enable parents and carers of young children to return to paid or un-

paid employment.


To aid the sustainability of Edale primary school, through developing good links and enabling families to choose their early years’ childcare and learning in the village.

To provide local employment and facilitate training for those wishing to follow a career in childcare and early learning.


To sustain the vibrancy of the village through encouraging young families to stay in Edale or move to Edale knowing there is high quality childcare for their young children.


To contribute to local business through the rent of local premises and the use of local cafes.


To contribute to a green environment through enabling families to choose local childcare rather than having to travel out of the area, and 
enabling parents to drop their children off safely at the nursery and then go by the nearby train to and from work rather than use the car for their commute to Manchester or Sheffield. 


Being as a not for profit charity the Trustees also ensure that any funding that is received is used to benefit the children and enrich their care and learning.

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