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Care for Babies


Edale Stepping Stones offers care for babies from their first birthday.


Each baby has a key worker who gets to know and cherish each child and liaises with parents to ensure that the individual care at the Centre suits the particular routines and requirements of each child. 


Your child’s key worker will spend time observing and getting to know your child really well, so that they can follow their interests and fascinations, and build on the learning that has already taken place. Your baby’s key worker will tune in to their needs and wishes, and will encourage the development of interaction by interpreting their gestures and facial expressions and by listening and responding to the sounds your babies make, encouraging them to ‘talk’ back. 


Children learn more quickly up to the age of two years than at any other time in their life. Children of this age have a natural curiosity and an urge to explore and understand their world. Your child’s key worker will support your baby to feel secure so that they can follow their individual learning pathways. 


Your baby will be the focus of their key worker who understands that each interaction with a baby is important, no matter how small. 

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